
Commissions and Incentives

Get smart about your compensation

Your clients can rely on us for flexible plan designs, smart cost-saving strategies, extensive oral health knowledge and access to the largest network of dentists in the state.

We appreciate you making the smart recommendation to your clients – and you can continue to rely on us to show our gratitude for the business you bring us with a robust compensation program.

Our standard commission percentage rate follows:

  • 5% DeltaCare® DHMO
  • 7.5% Delta Dental PPOSM, Delta Dental Premier®

All Delta Dental of Illinois quotes include the standard commission listed above unless otherwise requested. If another percentage is requested, please notify Delta Dental of Illinois when you submit your request for proposal.

Delta Dental of Illinois offers a promotional program that gives you an opportunity to earn an additional bonus for every college, school and municipality you place with Delta Dental of Illinois. 

In addition, Delta Dental of Illinois also offers supplemental compensation programs for new sales and retention. Review our brochure for more information about our Broker and Consultant Compensation program.


Please review our Broker ACH banking form.