COB information is reviewed on a claim-by-claim basis. Delta Dental of Illinois systematically screens electronic and paper claims as entered to identify if an enrollee has dual coverage. Claims that indicate the presence of other coverage or claims for families flagged with prior COB are subject to investigation. If the processing system already has the enrollee’s COB information loaded, the claim is automatically processed based on the plan’s COB rules (i.e., standard or non-duplication). If it is determined that Delta Dental of Illinois is the secondary carrier, a code is entered in the appropriate family member’s files that causes future claims to process according to the plan’s COB rules.
When Delta Dental of Illinois has been identified as the secondary carrier and a claim is received without primary carrier information, the claim is denied requesting the other carrier’s EOB. Payment will be issued upon receipt of this information.
The name and address of the other carrier are stored in notes attached to the enrollee’s record in our system. A flag indicating whether that coverage is primary or secondary is maintained separately for each enrollee.