Tooth Fairy Encourages Positive Oral Health Habits and Brings Joy to Families Nationwide

By Karyn Glogowski on August 22, 2024 in Children’s Oral Health

Graph of Tooth Fairy Index

The Tooth Fairy has long been a beloved figure in households across the country, but her role goes beyond just leaving a little something under the pillow. According to Delta Dental’s 2024 Original Tooth Fairy Poll, this tradition is helping parents instill positive oral health habits in their children while bringing a sense of joy and celebration to the home.  

For more than 26 years, the Original Tooth Fairy Poll has provided insights into the ways families engage with this cherished tradition. The latest findings reveal more than 1 in 3  parents (34%) say that the Tooth Fairy visits are a positive way to instill good oral health habits, and nearly one in five (18%) of Tooth Fairy’s generosity is contingent on their child’s dental hygiene.  

The Tooth Fairy plays a significant role in helping parents teach their kids about the value of good oral health and proper oral health habits, which is essential for their overall well-being.  

According to the poll, the Tooth Fairy visits approximately 78% of U.S. homes, and in over 27% of these homes, children eagerly go to bed early in anticipation of her arrival. This enthusiasm highlights the enduring charm of this time-honored tradition. Plus, the poll finds that about half of parents feel the Tooth Fairy visits give their child something to be excited about and an opportunity to celebrate and more than 1 in 3 parents believe the Tooth Fairy visits help foster their child’s imagination. 

As National Tooth Fairy Day approaches on August 22, it’s clear that this magical figure continues to play a vital role in children’s oral health. Whether it’s through encouraging healthy habits or, sparking imagination, the Tooth Fairy is more than just a bringer of coins—she’s a valued partner in parenting. 

For tips on maintaining your child’s oral health, visit  

About the poll 

The Original Tooth Fairy Poll® was conducted between Jan. 3, 2024, and Jan. 17, 2024, among 1,000 parents of children ages 6 to 12. The margin of error is +/- 3%. 

The January 2023 S&P 500 average was 3,942 and increased to an average of 4,746 for January 2024, consistent with the timing of the Original Tooth Fairy Poll®. 

For more information about the Delta Dental-sponsored survey and oral health tips for infants to pre-teens, visit the Original Tooth Fairy Poll®