
Your Health For Tag "dental insurance"

  • What are full coverage dental benefits?
    May 21, 2021

    What are full coverage dental benefits?

    Dental benefit information

    Full coverage dental benefits plans are those that help cover the costs of a wide range of dental treatments and procedures including preventive care, basic care and major restorative care.

  • A guide to dental coverage for infants and children
    Feb. 18, 2021

    A guide to dental coverage for infants and children

    Children’s Oral Health

    When a child is born, getting medical coverage is a priority. But it’s also important to have dental coverage, too. This guide to dental coverage for children helps provide everything you need to know.

  • What is COBRA insurance?
    Jul. 15, 2020

    What is COBRA insurance?

    Dental benefit information

    “COBRA” stands for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and is a 1985 federal law to provide relief for those who experience a job loss, or other qualifying event, allowing them to continue their existing medical, vision, and dental insurance coverage for a limited period – typically 18 months after the final day of employment. In rarer circumstances, COBRA coverage is available for up to 36 months.

  • What's the Difference Between Copay and Coinsurance?
    Mar. 6, 2018

    What's the Difference Between Copay and Coinsurance?

    Dental benefit information

    Copayment and coinsurance1 are both ways you help share the costs of dental care with Delta Dental of Illinois. Most of the time, Delta Dental of Illinois members have a copay or coinsurance, but not both. Here's what you need to know: Copayment, also known as a copay, is a set dollar amount you are... More »

  • Dental Benefits After Retirement
    Sep. 5, 2017

    Dental Benefits After Retirement

    Dental benefit information

    Most people have been planning for retirement for decades, tucking money away in retirement accounts and scheduling vacations. What many people forget to plan for, however, are dental benefits. Most retirees lose employer-sponsored dental coverage when they leave the workforce. And although the Medicare federal health insurance program is available for people who are over... More »

  • How Dental Differs from Medical
    Oct. 26, 2015

    How Dental Differs from Medical

    Dental benefit information

    If you have both medical and dental benefits, you may wonder why they work differently when it comes to payments and coverage. Although dental and medical benefits both help cover the costs of certain treatments, they actually serve different purposes. Why They're Different Medical care usually focuses on reactive treatments for disease and illness, treating... More »

  • Understanding Your Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
    Sep. 18, 2015

    Understanding Your Explanation of Benefits (EOB)

    Dental benefit information

    When you are covered by a dental plan, you often receive an explanation of benefits (EOB) from your dental carrier after a trip to the dentist's office. The EOB is not a bill, but rather an explanation of the procedures that were performed at the appointment and what is covered by your particular dental plan.... More »