
Your Health For Tag "tooth decay"

  • Back-to-School Checklist: Don't Forget to Add Dental Appointments
    Jul. 20, 2023

    Back-to-School Checklist: Don't Forget to Add Dental Appointments

    Children’s Oral Health

    Delta Dental of Illinois offers tips to help prevent health-related school absences This school year, Delta Dental of Illinois wants to remind Illinois parents to include a dental appointment on the back-to-school checklist. Having a healthy smile can help improve kids' concentration and performance in the classroom and may help reduce school absences.

  • Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation, Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation Now Accepting 2022 Applications for H2O On the Go
    Apr. 5, 2022

    Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation, Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation Now Accepting 2022 Applications for H2O On the Go

    Corporate Social Responsibility

    All elementary, middle and high schools in Illinois are eligible and encouraged to apply for the H2O On the Go grant program. Preference is given to schools that do not already have a water bottle-filling station. Applications will be accepted through 5 p.m., May 6,2022 at deltadentalil.com/h2o-on-the-go.

  • Your A to Z guide to vitamins and minerals for great oral health
    Mar. 2, 2022

    Your A to Z guide to vitamins and minerals for great oral health

    General oral health

    What’s the first thing you think about when it comes to maintaining a healthy mouth? Brushing your teeth twice a day? Maybe it’s flossing daily. Or seeing your dentist regularly. Of course, those are all vital to good oral health. But have you considered how important your diet and nutrition are to a healthy smile? Here are key vitamins and minerals that can have an influence on your oral health.

  • Cavities are a big problem for little ones’ teeth
    Jan. 14, 2022

    Cavities are a big problem for little ones’ teeth

    Children’s Oral Health

    Cavities, also known as tooth decay, are one of the most common chronic diseases among children. The good news is that cavities are nearly 100% preventable. Here’s how to keep your young child’s smile healthy from the very start.

  • Let Go of Winter Mouth Woes
    Jan. 3, 2022

    Let Go of Winter Mouth Woes

    General oral health

    The holidays are over, but the chilly winter weather is still going strong. Sledding, skating and snowmen are among the most enjoyable winter hobbies. While winter can bring grins, the frigid temps tend to trigger mouth problems. Much like a snowflake, each person's set of teeth is unique.

  • How much calcium do you need?
    Dec. 20, 2021

    How much calcium do you need?

    General oral health

    Calcium is key to maintaining strong, healthy teeth and bones. It strengthens tooth enamel — the hard outer shell — and helps maintain the bone that supports your teeth. Healthy enamel protects your teeth from cavities and erosion. Calcium in your saliva can even help repair damage to teeth caused by acids. However, a lack of calcium can increase your risk for gum disease.

  • Common Dental Procedures for Kids
    Aug. 18, 2017

    Common Dental Procedures for Kids

    Children’s Oral Health

    Parents worry about their kids' overall health and oral health more than their own. Understanding how your dental benefits cover preventive procedures can help start your children on a path to a lifetime of healthy smiles. When it comes to keeping kids' mouths healthy, routine oral health habits – such as brushing twice a day,... More »

  • From Newborn to Baby: Oral Health Guidance
    Feb. 6, 2014

    From Newborn to Baby: Oral Health Guidance

    Children’s Oral Health

    To say new parents are busy is an understatement. Between diaper changings, frequent feedings and not-so-frequent naps, new parents often don't realize that it's never too early to help little ones get started down the path toward a lifetime of good oral health. NEWBORN Even though most babies are born without teeth, they still need..